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DAY 19

Take 10 minutes to read your goal. Close your eyes and feel it, live it, think of it like something YOU all ready have and enjoy it!

Set your mind for SUCCESS, watch this video.



Today's Advertising Sites:

First, click on the images to open their url in a new window

Next, follow this instructions:


For List Jumper:


-Sign up FREE now, use your "" account

-Wait for the free presentations ( 2 ) to finish

-AVOID all the OTO'S  ( One Time Offers ) You will stay a FREE member!

-Please check your mail inbox for a confirmation link.

-Click on "Reward Codes" and redeem all PROMO codes

-Go to "Account Settings" and change your email preferences to "Member Inbox Only"

-On this specific site you have to click on emails to get the credits from your promo codes.

-We will come back later in the program to do that.

-That's it for now with List Jumper




List Jumper





For Blue-Surf:


-Click the "Signup" button

-Fill out the short form below

-Please check your mail inbox for a confirmation link.

-Log in to your Blue-Surf account

-Now go to "Home" then scroll down to "Your Quick Stats"

-Click on "Surf Now" and surf for 15 minutes to get credits.....

-Once you have enough credits, assign half to "Banners" and half to "Text Links"



Your recommended TRACKER TITLE for today is:







Get all your PROMO tools here:



 Mark Day 19 As Completed!


That's it for today, thank your Superior Power for letting YOU do this, and have a great day!

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