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DAY 10

Take 10 minutes to read your goal. Close your eyes and feel it, live it, think of it like something YOU all ready have and enjoy it!

Set your mind for SUCCESS, watch this video.



Today's Advertising Sites:

First, click on the 2 images to open their url in a new window

Next, follow this instructions:

For Bidvertiser:


For Express Safelist:


Do exactly the same process that you did before.....


-Click "Join Now" button
-Accept Terms
-Complete the form below

-Validate your emails, ( contact & list )
-AVOID all the OTO'S  ( One Time Offers ) You will stay a FREE member!
-Make sure you arrive to the Members Area
-Log in to your Express Safelist account

-Redeem PROMO codes


-ADVERTISE!!!!! Try to use ALL your credits, send emails, place text ads, banners and anything else you are  able to!!!!!! Remember, you are only going to be here today, so you want to do as much as you can!


**In case you have doubts, go back to day 3 and watch the instructions video.



Express Safelist

Top Sponsor Banner, HeadlineADS, Help, Traffic Links, New Member, Upgrade, Business Builder, SuperSOLO, SoloBUCKS, PTC Ads


Your recommended TRACKER TITLES for today are:



            Express Safelist



Get all your PROMO tools here:

 Mark Day 10 As Completed!

That's it for today, thank your Superior Power for letting YOU do this, and have a great day!



I am going to show You EXACTLY what I did, do the same, don't change anything to obtain great results.

Step by step instructions on how to create an ad - Bidvertiser.


FIRST: Sign Up As An ADVERTISER, once your account is verified, log in and follow this steps:


1.-Click "Create New Ad".

2.-Under "0-Click Ad" Choose either "Create Text Ad" or "Create Mobile Text Ad"
3.-Categories Selection: Choose only "Business"
4.-Click the check box "Enable RON ( Run Of Network ) Traffic" and click done selecting...
5.- GEO Targeting: Target one Country of choice.....
6.- SET Bids: Set your max bid between 0.01 to 0.05

7.- Create AD

NAME YOUR AD: just put your name and aiop for example: joaquinaiop

TITLE:      Choose From Your Promo Tools

Description line 1:     Choose From Your Promo Tools

Description line 2:     Choose From Your Promo Tools


TARGET URL: ( This is YOUR link )

Copy and paste YOUR link in target url.

**** Make sure is correct!!!

Now press NEXT....    

SET YOUR DAILY BUDGET: Daily minimum is $5.

Then YOU will see this message:  Pending for approval Please allow up to 2 business days for our editorial team to review and approve your pending ads. An email message will be sent once reviewed.

And that is all, you are all set!!!!! Once you are approved you will be receiving a lot of signups!

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