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That's right my friend, step 1, from day 1, is a VERY important step, YOU are going to set your goals, People with goals succeed because they know where they're going, whatever your goal is, YOU are going to set it right here, right now! I believe that the reason we are in this planet is to be happy, think with your heart and mind what is that one thing that will make YOU happier, and set a goal to achieve it. When you know what is that very important thing, put your goals in writing. If you can't put it on a sheet of paper, you probably can't do what it takes to achieve the goal. I'm going to tell you what I do and you can use it as example.

I wrote in a small piece of paper this:   " I am so happy and grateful! I am now earning $10,000 Euros per month in passive, residual income, each and every month, all my financial needs are met and now I have total financial freedom! I'm exited about life, I'm exited about my business and I enjoy every moment of every day "

I have this piece of "gold" paper in my wallet, and as you can see YOU have to set your goal and write it like if YOU all ready have it. If your goal is similar, just write this same words and change what ever you think is needed to change, my goal ( for now ) is $10,000 , maybe yours is different, I live in Belgium, I use Euros, maybe you use a different currency. Got my point? ok my friend, think your goal, feel it, live it and  then put it on a piece of paper.​


Every step is necessary and extremely important, but I believe that " step 3 " inside your AIOP 90 days program, is truly going to change your life forever... Here we go: SET YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS.

Listen to this audio/video, when I first got this, it literally gave me the "secret" to achieving everything I ever wanted. Everything!
It's very, very powerful and will completely change the way you think about life, business, success... everything. I recommend you lock yourself in a room, turn off your cell phone, emails, instant messages, etc.. and listen very closely to this...

Now, get a paper calendar and circle from today the next 90 days, once you have it, mark Day 1 as completed!

That's it for today, thank your Superior Power for letting YOU do this, and have a great day!

Now, you are going to invest the next 30 minutes of your time on reading an excellent starter training guide available only for AIOP

members, this guide, will open your perspectives about your new business, it does not mean that you have to memorize it, or that you have to do anything that is said for now.... But if you are new to network marketing, it is a great source of valuable information that you can always come back and take a deeper look at it, trust me, its not going to hurt you, this is going to prepare you for what is coming next!         Ok, click HERE and start reading!

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